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Evening 6: Enna

Today was such a full day that we were wiped out and didn't want to do much other than go to bed once the blog was finished.

We started the day with a guided tour of three churches in Naro, had a lengthy stopover at a garage when it transpired that we were within 120km of the car breaking down, drove for a couple of hours to Villa Romana di Casale and saw perhaps 30 or 40 mosaics, drove to Enna, were sent up some very steep streets by Google Maps, which were so narrow that we eventually had to reverse because our car was too wide, so instead had to park the car elsewhere and then follow Google's indications up those same steep streets for over a kilometre with our backpacks and suitcases.

Nonetheless, we hadn't actually seen anything of Enna since we got here so forced ourselves to go on a stroll. Our hotel is on Via Roma, the main street. The main street that we would've reached had Google Maps not taken us on a 'shorter' detour. From our window we could see that some lights had been switched on:


We followed the lights, which soon became a second type:


We soon reached a square:


It overlooked the old town. You might get an idea of how narrow and steep the streets we'd been driving earlier were:


We turned around and left the square:


The next stretch of road featured lights in the shape of candelabra:


We then reached the Duomo. Unfortunately, it's all covered up for the renovations so there wasn't any point in photographing it. On the other side of the road was a square named after and featuring a statue of Giuseppe Mazzini:


Via Roma is a one-way street because there is another road running parallel to it. We walked through an archway to get to it:


We're quite high up!


The building in the distance is the Palazzo del Governo, so we headed down to see it:


And with a quick crossing of the road, we were back in our hotel two minutes later.

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