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Day 5: Bolzano to home

When we woke up on our final morning we found that it was actually sunny outside for a change :) 

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We had breakfast and Tim managed to track down the owners of the hotel to pay for our room. Once we were all settled up, we set out for a final walk to the cable car station.

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It felt warmer in the sunshine and the snow had thawed to some extent, but the paths were still slippery in places.

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I found it difficult not to keep turning around as we walked, because there were some beautiful views behind us.

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This was definitely the clearest day we'd had, and I was hopeful of some good views from the cable car too. Luckily we managed to catch one which wasn't too busy and had plenty of space for our suitcase, plus managed to get a seat on the side with the best views :) 

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The views were indeed spectacular. We've been up and down in the cable car lots of times over the course of the past few days, but a lot of the time we just travelling through clouds, and even on the slightly clearer days we couldn't see all these mountains.

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As we got further down we could see the lower slopes which would be covered in vines during the summer.

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Soon we were down in Bolzano.

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Because we were staying up in Oberbozen, we hadn't actually seen very much of the main part of Bolzano, so we'd decided to come for a walk around before catching our train back to Verona.

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We bought our train tickets, left our suitcase in the left luggage office at the station, and set off for a stroll around town.

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I was keen to get over towards the river which I remembered as being really pretty when we were last in Bolzano in 2015.

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Even in winter, the countryside looked really lovely :) 

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We passed the victory monument, controversial because it was erected by Mussolini after Italy acquired South Tyrol from Austria following WW1.

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There's a good network of footpaths and cycle paths which criss-cross the river here.

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Once we were on the far side of the river we had a good view back towards the snowy mountains :) 

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We walked alongside the river for a while.

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We knew we couldn't afford to walk too far, because we had to back at the station for our train at 12.31.

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We were catching the last possible train to the airport for our flight at 16.40.

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With views like these it was definitely tempting to keep going rather than turning around though :D 

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Eventually we had to turn around and head back to the town centre.

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We had a final walk through the main square and made it back to the train station with plenty of time to collect the suitcase and catch our train.

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We've had a wonderful holiday in Bolzano and would definitely like to come back to this region again one day :) 

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Edited by Clare

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