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Evening 6: New Year celebrations

We went out again just after 11pm last night, to see what was happening in  Äkäslompolo for New Year. Although it had been quite a clear and sunny day, by evening the sky had clouded over once again and so there was no chance of seeing any northern lights.  The village still looked very pretty though, with little candles placed in the snow at regular intervals to light up the path along the main road.

2017-12-31 23.25.51.jpg
We were walking towards the frozen lake, where last year there had been a big release of lanterns at midnight. We had no idea what might be happening this year!

The lake is just beyond the supermarket carpark, and I'd had the impression that last year there had been a man there selling Glühwein (but that we couldn't buy any because we'd forgotten to bring any money out with us).  We were better prepared this year, and when we arrived we found there was indeed a man in the carpark, but that what he was selling was hot berry juice with a shot of vodka in it. Not quite Glühwein, but I gave it a go anyway and it was quite nice :D

We walked down to the lake, where there didn't appear to be a big organised display of anything this year, but lots of people individually either letting off lanterns or fireworks. Some people's fireworks weren't very impressive...


...but others were more successful.


It felt quite surreal to be watching fireworks set off from a frozen lake.


When it got to midnight, someone set off the best firework of all. It was a great start to the new year :)


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