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Day 2: Carcassonne

The image below should tell you in a second what I'd need a thousand words to relay. Carcassonne stands somewhere between being a living fossil and a Disney scene. We were going to enjoy our trip today.


Having arrived by train and knowing that we had a full day ahead of ourselves we chose to take a leisurely tour of the old town ... which seems quite an odd description since there's a much older old town that will be springing to mind when people think of Carcassonne. The walled town is but a small part of a larger whole and the substantial form that Carcassonne now takes sprang itself from a smaller original.

That said, if ever there were a place which is better told with pictures than words, Carcassonne (and Albi and Cordes-sur-Ciel, on our agenda for the next few days) is it.

I can't resist this image of the bridge in the foreground:


This is the walled city as we saw it from afar:


You can clearly get an idea of scale - no invaders were going to scale these walls in a hurry!


Once you're on the ramparts the view extends for miles around:


It's fair to describe Carcassonne as a one-trick pony, but what a trick it is. You can see it easily in only a few hours and there are rail links and a tiny airport nearby. It'd make a lovely destination for a weekend break.

Edited by Tim

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